
Corporate Wellness: Posture Police!

Check out the classic desk jockey slouch examples in the photos above! Proper posture in the workplace is a key wellness factor in preventing neck and back fatigue which can lead to further injury.

Don't be a slouch!

Dr. Erik Hemmett from Back and Neck Center in Williston, VT recommends the following guidelines for good posture:

1. Your back should be supported by the seat's back rest (that is why it is call a back
rest!). Be sure that your seat provides adequate lower lumbar (back) support. If not, use a small pillow or rolled up towel.

2. Keep your elbows by your side. Try not to reach forward for anything at your desk.

3. Shift your keyboard slightly to the left an inch or two so that the forearm is straight ahead when using the mouse. Again, make sure you are not reaching for it.

4. Shoulders back and resting against the back rest. Hips slightly higher than the knees.

5. Adjust your seat height so that you are eye level with your computer monitor.

6. Keep all of your desk items directly in front of you. If you turn for something, swivel with your entire body and not just with your neck.

7. Take micro-breaks every 20-30 minutes to get out of being in the same stationary position for prolonged periods of time. Stand up, walk around, and stretch a bit (get some water while your are at it!). This is great not only for your posture, but also to revive circulation and mental clarity.

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