
Moms' Nutrition Hotline: Healthy Alternatives for My Daughter!

Phil, Please talk to me about coming to my house and emptying my cupboards of junkfood. I'm having a hard time finding substitutes for the junk I give them. Is that part of the process? Can I get a list from you of what you feed your kids! Anne

Anne, As much as I like to purge cupboards and fridges from junkfood, I love getting feedback from moms telling me they did it themselves after talking to me. It's one more battle won against the processed food empire. So for starters, the answer is YES! Throw it away. if it's not in the house, the kids can't eat it and eventually won't ask for it. Sure, grade school kids have opportunities to get their hands on junkfood outside the house, consumption will decrease dramatically as there is none in the house. They will likely go through withdrawal, but this will pass with time. Just stick to your guns and don't relent. Your daughter should be eating the same meals and snacks as the rest of the family. It may be difficult from the start, but hunger is sometimes the best cure for being finicky. Never use a treat as a reward for eating a healthy meal. That sends out the wrong message. You can find healthy snacks and dessert ideas in TLN's SmartGroceries postings. Phil

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