
Phil's Journal: Post-Thanksgiving Update

One calorie-drenched holiday down and two to go! Hopefully by now you are finished up with your Thanksgiving leftovers--especially the baked goods, potatoes and stuffing--and getting back to basics. If not, I suggest reading the previous, Nutrition 411: Eating Around the Holidays post. My family and I made it out of the weekend in good shape and finished it off with a trip to Trader Joe's on our way back to VT from MA. As you can see from the photo of the kids, me and the overloaded carriage, we stocked up!

For those of you reading this post, you are the first to preview TLN's new blog format. A more formal announcement will be made in December, but basically the new format is going to be much better at delivering a wider variety of nutrition and fitness topics. In fact, I added a couple of more sections including Fast Food Hall of Shame and Quick Meals.

Well, I am off to Santa Barbara this week to meet up with a host of associates including TLN Advisors Mikki Reilly of Fitness Transform and Simon Goode of New Sun Nutrition (makers of FRS Plus). I will post you from CA with all the details.

Until then...Be healthy!

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