
TLN Health News Heads Up: Facing High Heath-Care Costs, Companies Turn to Wellness Programs

By: Samar Srivastava

A growing number of employees are enrolling in such programs, according to a new study.

At the urging of their employers, a growing number of U.S. workers are participating in company wellness programs as a way of reducing their health-care costs, according to a new survey.

The survey by Principal Financial Group and Harris Interactive found that participation in wellness programs organized by employers is at its highest level since the survey began three years ago. Participation rates for on-site health screenings rose to 79 percent in 2006, up from 68 percent in 2005. Employees are also hitting the gym more than ever before, with 60 percent now taking advantage of company-offered fitness plans, compared to 38 percent in 2005.

Read the complete article at Inc.com!

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