
TLN Health News Heads Up: Hothouse to Your House - Fresh, Healthful Vegetables Year-Round

TLN Editor Comments: There's a great article in the February 2007 issue of the Costco Connection on hothouse vegetables. This article focuses primarily on tomatoes grown for Costco centers. I have always been curious to know what goes into (and what does not go into!) the growing process of greenhouse veggies.

Living in the Northeast where we do not get the benefit of year-round fresh produce, it is nice to know that at minimum--and hopefully with other growers as well--Costco hothouse produce is grown under very strict quality standards . This provides a good alternative during winter months when supermarket produce is scarce, mealy and high-priced.

Read the complete article at Costco Connection!

p.s. Very informative article in same issue on the health benefits of (quality) dark chocolate!

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