
Fast Food Hall of Shame: Pizza Hut P'Zone

Pizza Hut and Domino's never fail to surprise me with their latest and greatest value meals and side dishes. Between Oreo Pizza (or whatever that concoction was) and these nutritional nightmarish P'Zones, I will never have a shortage of new inductees into the Fast Food Hall of Shame!

Here are the Nutrition Facts for a Half Order (1/2 serving is 8 ounces) Classic P'Zone (Not suprising, the specialty P'Zones are even more nutritionally unsound!) :

Calories 630 (This is a half serving? You could feed a small family with these calories!)
Fat 23g (comparable to eating 5 teaspoons of butter. Yum!)
Saturated 11g (2 teaspoons of pure saturated fat for your arteries to choke on!)
Trans Fat 0.5g (inexcusable that any food products still contain trans fats!)
Cholesterol 70g (nearly one-third of the Daily Reference Value)
Protein 28g
Carbs 77g (four big slices of bread anyone?)
Sugars 3g
Sodium 1490g (comes in at more than 50% of the recommended DRV)

Ingredient Lowlights: Not readily accessible, but I am pretty confident that they are not all natural!

Bottom line: No nutritional value in eating this "Value" meal! When it's got to be done, stick to Pizza Hut's basic pizza menu with reasonable crusts (try the multigrain), sauces and toppings

Check out The Facts at PizzaHut.com!

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